Rapeseed: Lidea launches new elites gene flow to meet climate, biotic and regulatory challenges
May 30, 2024

Lidea’s new rapeseed gene flow, whose hybrids have been on the market since 2023, provides farmers with a high-performance solution, recognised in official trials throughout Europe, to reconcile crop yield and adaptation to current constraints.
Lescar, 6 February 2024 - Last year, Lidea introduced 3 hybrids which surprised the markets during the 2023 harvest by outperforming the best market references. Yields were excellent and the consistency of results was impressive.
For sowing in 2024, Lidea is offering 3 additional hybrids with equally strong yield performance as well as resistance to the TuYV virus transmitted by aphids. This is just the beginning for Lidea’s new rapeseed gene flow.
Varieties adapted to the current issues facing European farmers
Farming is facing major challenges linked to climate change, complex regulations and highly fluctuating markets. Today, rapeseed needs to withstand drought at the beginning and end of the cycle, adapt to insect attacks in autumn and improve nitrogen efficiency. Ten years ago, these requirements were less acute.
The new Lidea gene flow has been designed to meet today’s challenges. Resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses has been strengthened and genetic potential enhanced.
Lidea is proud to offer farmers new perspectives and to support them in building a sustainable and profitable future that responds to society’s expectations.
A shift in R&D that is producing results
It takes more than 10 years to design and launch a new rapeseed variety. This means that the new varieties on offer to farmers today are the result of focusing research to anticipate future needs.
Drawing on the strength of its relationship with the industry and farmers, Lidea restructured its research programme in 2009. Better knowledge of the gene pool, combined with a different selection of parent lines and hybrids, gave rise to a new gene flow.
Since 2022, this vision and these efforts have been rewarded. The excellent registration results of the very first hybrids from this flow in official networks prove that the choices made over 10 years ago were the right ones.
These successes have been seen in a wide range of soil and climate areas. This is further evidence of the stability of the gene flow.
Today, it is the vision and commitment of the Lidea teams and more than 10 years of R&D efforts that are being rewarded and used to benefit farmers.
Exceptional yields:
- Lid Invicto: 110.6% CTPS over the last two years with an average of 50.19 quintals/ha, 1st registration in the CTPS France network.
- Lid Tebo: 108.13% CTPS over the last two years with an average of 48.72 quintals/ha, 4th registration in the CTPS France network.
- Bessito: 105,7%, 105.7%, 1st series too common at Terres Inovia (official and post registration).
- Lid Generoso: 1st complementary series at Terres Inovia (official and post registration).
- Lid Caliento: 113,2% over the last two years in COBORU Polish trials.