Find all the information you need to ensure the success of your sorghum crops in our brand new technical guide on good cropping practices for grain and forage, which you can download from our website.
Lidea, one of the main players in sorghum in Europe and worldwide.

In Europe and worldwide, LIDEA is working on four key areas of sorghum development and expertise.
- Improving the knowledge of sorghum use by processors in animal feed, human food and bioenergy. To this end, LIDEA has recently created an animal feed brochure with technical and quality data that can be used by processors to test and integrate sorghum into rations as a main and performing ingredient
- Improve the motivation of storage organisations and the market by stimulating demand from processors, with the need to create an official European price for sorghum for better visibility by processors and farmers
- Provide a high-performance varietal flow adapted to climate change with limited water needs and tolerance to high temperatures, as well as lower input requirements and diversification of the rotation to secure production in medium to deep soils, with little or no water or irrigation requirements. LIDEA with the R&D structure EUROSORGHO is the first Sorghum research in Europe that works on all the needs of the market in grain and forage.
- The last and no less important axis is to help farmers with good cultivation practices for sorghum because it is a new crop with certain particularities to be known. For this reason, LIDEA has just published a technical brochure on good cultivation practices for grain and forage which you can download from that page.