Legal mentions
General terms and conditions of use for

Editor and publisher
The website is published by LIDEA FRANCE, a Société par Actions Simplifiée [French simplified joint stock company] with share capital of €50,295,780, having its registered office at avenue Gaston Phoebus, 64230 Lescar, France, registered on the Pau Trade and Companies Register under number 423 296 250.
The website editor is Olivier Paul.
The site is hosted by IKOMOBI, Société par Actions Simplifiée [French simplified joint stock company] with share capital of €178,850, registered on the Lille Trade and Company Register under number 514 418 748 and having its registered office at 340 avenue de la Marne, Immeuble Europe Tertiaire, 59700 Marcq-en-Baroeul.
Subject matter
This website is intended to present LIDEA, the result of the merger between EURALIS SEMENCES and ECS (formerly CAUSSADE SEMENCES GROUP), specialising in multi-crop seeds (corn, sunflower, rapeseed, sorghum, soybean cereals, forages and plant cover), and related areas such as research, production, manufacture and sales.
The text and media content illustrating the articles published are checked and believed to be accurate. Customer testimonials and case studies published are submitted to the relevant customers and individuals for approval prior to publication.
The texts available on the site were written by employees or managers associated with the company LIDEA FRANCE. However, if any information seems inaccurate or contains a typographical error, you can report it to the site administrator.
LIDEA FRANCE cannot be held liable for the presence of inaccurate information or any typographical errors as regards the site’s contents. Similarly, LIDEA FRANCE cannot be held liable if any parts or functions of the site are damaged or unusable because of technical problems or any other external causes.
The images, videos and illustrations on the website include photographs, screenshots and others. Subject to any third-party intellectual property rights, these images are the exclusive property of LIDEA FRANCE.
The use of any of this content is subject to prior agreement from LIDEA FRANCE which should be requested from the webmaster:
Intellectual property rights
This website is the property of LIDEA FRANCE, which is also its author within the meaning of Articles L. 111.1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. The photographs, texts, slogans, drawings, images, animated sequences with or without audio, and all works incorporated within the site are the property of LIDEA FRANCE or third parties that have authorised the company to use them.
Reproduction, on paper or electronically, of the LIDEA website is permitted provided it is strictly for personal use only, to the exclusion of any advertising, commercial or information purpose, and that it complies with the provisions of Article L122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code.
With the exception of the provisions above, any reproduction, representation, use or modification of all or part of the website or all or part of the content comprising the website by any process whatsoever using any storage medium whatsoever without the prior consent of LIDEA FRANCE is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement.
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LIDEA FRANCE cannot be held liable for the availability of websites to which there is a hyperlink from, and it declines any liability as regards the content, products, services or any other material available on or from such websites.
Update: 1st September 2021.