Explore our seed catalogue designed for African climates and soils. Achieve optimal yields with our premium quality seeds. Contact us today to learn more!

Providing the Best for African Farmers
At Lidea, we are committed to supplying top-quality seeds tailored to Africa’s unique conditions. Our seeds are carefully selected to ensure abundant and resilient harvests, no matter your region.
Why Choose Our Seeds for Your Crops?
- Tailored to local climates: Lidea’s varieties are adapted to soil and climate conditions of Africa, enabling farmers to secure production in the face of climate change and the shifting calendar of rainy seasons. Lidea is also working to develop early varieties with the aim of securing between one and two crop cycles in the rainy season and another under irrigated conditions.
- High yields: Maximise your production with certified quality seeds produced in Europe. The main selection criterion for our teams is the productivity of our hybrids. Spread over 19 research stations, our teams guarantee a constant flow of genetic and varietal innovations and top-of-the-range solutions to meet the technical, agronomic, soil and climate and commercial requirements of each farmer in Africa.
- Increased resilience: Protect your crops against diseases and extreme weather.
Contact us for personalised advice on your agricultural needs.
Our Africa Catalogue: A Comprehensive Range of Seeds
Lidea’s objective is to offer high quality seeds (corn, sorghum, sunflower and soybean) guaranteeing full traceability to ensure customer satisfaction. Lidea uses high-performance laboratories, located as close as possible to the industrial tools, which allow us to guarantee quality from the moment of harvest, throughout the industrial process, right up to bagging of seeds.
View the full list of seeds in our Africa Catalogue.

Tailored Solutions for African Farmers
- Technical and agronomic support: Local assistance to optimise your farming practices.
- Partnerships: Collaborate with our experts to boost your yields. Lidea is committed to developing value chains and local processing of African agricultural products. Indeed, Lidea supports farmers, identifies outlets and structures production chains for animal feed (poultry, fish, livestock) and human food. It is through the development of agriculture and the structuring of agri-food value chains that farmers will be able to achieve efficient production. Lidea offers new economic opportunities for farmers to secure their income.
Join our community of successful farmers. Contact us today!