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Triticale and Rye

As a farmer, choosing the right crops is crucial to ensure the profitability of your farm. Triticale is a cereal, a cross between wheat (triticum) and rye (secale). Increasingly popular among farmers, triticale offers numerous advantages, making it a highly attractive crop to sow.

Triticale Lidea


Triticale is a particularly resilient crop, adaptable to different soil types and climatic conditions. Its hardiness is an essential advantage in difficult conditions : cold and hydromorphic soils. Whether you farm in dry or wet regions, triticale easily adapts, making it an ideal option for farmers facing variable conditions.


In addition to its adaptability, triticale offers high yields, comparable to or even higher than those of wheat and rye. By choosing triticale, you can maximize your farm's productivity while reducing the risks associated with changing weather conditions.


Triticale is highly versatile. This cereal can be used both as animal feed due to its protein content and essential amino acids such as lysine. But also as a raw material for the agri-food industry. Unlike wheat and rye, triticale is not suitable for bread-making.

Its straw, which is taller than that of wheat, is appreciated by livestock farmers and can also be used in the manufacture of biomaterials. Harvested as a whole plant, triticale is often one of the meslin crops used for fodder.

It is a source of fibre and raw biomass used in methanisation to produce biogas.

By sowing triticale, you have the opportunity to diversify your sources of income.


Triticale gives flexibility to the phytosanitary program.

Triticale performs well overall against diseases, particularly eyespot. That is why it is recommended as a second straw crop. The most tolerant varieties to mildew, lodging and sprouting should be preferred.

Sowing triticale also improves crop rotation and reduces weed pressure. By alternating triticale crops with other crops such as corn or soybean, you promote better soil health while limiting weed growth.

This crop can be used in organic farming.


In summary, triticale offers numerous benefits for farmers. Its resilience, high yields, versatility, and benefits in terms of crop rotation make it a particularly attractive option for agricultural farms. By sowing triticale, you are investing in a profitable and sustainable crop that will contribute to the long-term success of your farm. Please feel free to contact our sales teams for more advice on triticale cultivation and its benefits for your farm.