Lidea's cereals include soft wheat, barley and triticale. The precocity of these crops makes them suitable for all sowing areas. The range is characterised by: good diseases resistance, stress tolerance, optimum yield potential and fulfilment of market requirements (SW, proteins, milling qualities, etc.).

Lidea offers a wide range of cereal varieties that can be integrated into any crop rotation: soft winter wheat, barley, triticale and spring barley.
Lidea has developed its expertise on selection of winter wheats over more than 45 years, through its two research stations and a network of 40,000 micro plots in 13 countries across Europe.
Lidea selects advanced technology cereals that meet farmers’ needs in the European market. In France, Lidea creates early varieties with a very complete disease profile and high protein content, suitable for the whole of Europe. In Germany, our breeding lines focus on late varieties that are resistant to cold and to Fusarium, to meet the needs of Northern Europe as well as those of Ukraine and Russia.
Lidea’s cereals are suitable for conventional and organic farming.
These certified seeds provide traceability and guaranteed quality for farmers and end-users such as millers, etc.
The characteristics of this range include:
- optimal yield potential
- stress tolerance
- frost tolerance
- good disease resistance (especially against Fusarium)
- low input varieties
- fulfilment of market needs (protein content, milling properties, specific weight, etc.).
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