Sorghum got proven quality criteria for optimal performance in animal feed. Discover it in our technical brochure which describes the main uses of grain sorghum in pig, poultry, beef cow, fish and pet food.

In Europe and worldwide, Lidea works on four essential areas of sorghum development:
- To improve knowledge of the use of sorghum by processors in animal feed, human food, and bioenergy. For this reason, Lidea has created this brochure about animal feed. It consists of technical data and explains sorghum's benefits for animal food. It helps processors to test and integrate sorghum in rations.
- To improve the motivation of storage organizations and the market by stimulating demand from processors, with today's need to create an official European price for sorghum for better visibility by processors and farmers.
- To provide a high-performance varietal flow adapted to climate change with limited water need and high-temperature tolerance as well as lower input requirements and rotation diversification to secure production in moderately deep to deep soils, without or with little need for water or irrigation. Lidea, together with the Eurosorgho research and development, is the 1st sorghum research in Europe that works on all market needs in grain and fodder.
- The last axis, and not the least important, is to help farmers with knowledge and agronomic practices for the sorghum crop. It is a relatively new crop with certain peculiarities. We released a technical brochure on agronomic practices in grain and fodder.