With a strong Research and Development network established throughout Europe, Lidea invests every year to innovate in very high-quality seeds capable of providing a precise and customised response for all agricultural models.

Our researchers use new technologies to find new varieties that meet the needs of different markets, including for animal feed, human consumption, industrial uses and renewable energies.
Spread over 15 research stations, the teams provide a constant flow of genetic and varietal innovations and top-of-the-range solutions, tested in real growing conditions on several tens of thousands of experimental micro-parcels to meet the technical, agronomic, soil and climate and commercial requirements of each farmer.
Lidea has been involved in private and public partnerships for many years to strengthen its research programmes, for example on sunflowers, oilseeds (Innolea) or forage crops (GIE -Economic Interest Grouping - Grass). Collaboration is the key to our success.
Our main areas of research
- Yield enhancement
- Adapting our varieties to soil and climate conditions
- Improvement of resistance or tolerance of varieties to pests and diseases
- Improving the nutritional qualities of varieties (protein content, oil content, food value and digestibility) to meet the needs of farmers and markets
- Lidea also innovates in the development of digital decision-making tools, to strengthen its agricultural expertise and provide precise solutions based on the specific characteristics of the land, thus offering customers the best possible support