The Importance of Putting Ourselves in Farmers’ Shoes
September 11, 2023

Ideas can change the world. At Lidea, as a seed company and as the first link in securing the food chain, we have been working on this for a long time. For over 80 years, our expertise in seeds and our research and development have enabled us to bring out the best in nature and support farmers in their vocation: to feed the planet.
Working alongside farmers means listening to them, getting to know their day-to-day concerns and making their lives easier. Working alongside farmers means providing them with solutions to safeguard their income. Working alongside farmers means supporting them as they adapt to a changing world.
Our ecosystem knows the true meaning of the term adaptability: to climate, economic and regulatory conditions. And today’s farmers are facing new challenges. That is why we have developed a multi-crop range with premium genetic potential, ensuring high yields and meeting high harvest quality standards. The goal we have set ourselves is to secure farmers’ income throughout the year, while meeting the new challenges shared by the industry and the environment.
Working alongside farmers, Lidea offers solutions (products, services and expertise) to farmers who want to make the transition to agroecology, by developing farming practices that are both positive for the environment and profitable: adapting to the climate, preserving soil health and biodiversity, reducing inputs, etc.
Offering sustainable varieties and technological solutions also means responding innovatively to the demands of industry. We use a method and advance towards a goal that places farmers and the planet as winners, side by side. We are convinced that our fresh ideas, the result of an innovation process that incorporates farmers’ ideas, will help to transform farming into a sustainable, equitable and fertile ecosystem for all.
We are not among those who believe that everything can be solved at the click of a finger, but we are among those who believe that working together is the key to the future.
Read the article, here.